
Cwm Taf University Health Board aims to raise awareness amongst health care professionals of the benefits creative arts have on people’s mental health and wellbeing. Art is proven to be just as important as other medical treatments in treating various health issues and should not be overlooked especially when it comes to allocating funding to such projects. Cwm Taf University Health Board came to us with the need to accurately communicate the benefits of art-based treatments to clinical and non-clinical professionals within the Health Board.

Our audience was clinical and non-clinical health care professionals within the Health Board. They are likely to be completely unaware of the benefits that art has to offer. I needed to take into consideration that my outcomes/solutions need to effectively reach, engage and push for behavioural change in both clinical and non-clinical professionals alike. Our audience also consists of decision-makers within the Health Board who could potentially allocate extra funding for future stages of development.

InterART uses interACTive storytelling to raise awareness about the many art-based treatments that can be used for a number of health issues. Players are given the chance to talk to patients and members of the public in order to get an understanding about the nature of the health issue before given the responsibility of choosing a treatment (or ACT). The purpose of the game is to increase awareness and knowledge about arts in health, along with reiterating the notion of ACTing with ARTs.

Services delivered –


Brand Identity

Game Interaction

User Journeys



The viewer is able to pan left to right by either hovering the mouse or tilting their screen left or right. As they do this, they are able to discover and explore more of the world around them. Within the world lives different characters that users can interact with in order to journey through the game. By talking with the characters, users will gain knowledge about various health issues and discover art-based treatments that are suitable for each health issue.

Social media posts introduce the problem to our audience using nudge technique. Posts communicate statistics relating to certain health issues and suggest ways arts can be implemented to help impact these statistics and information. The brand will constantly look for innovative yet simple ways of communicating facts as a means of keeping things fun and fresh. As well as this, posts will reiterate the main messages and purposes that the game attempts to communicate.

Thank you

Cwm Taf University Health Board for giving me the chance to answer the brief and come up with solutions on such a significant project.